• maledollstudio@gmail.com
  • Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Pact of the Ancients: General Changes

Pact of the Ancients: General Changes

Hey there!

As some of you know, we already had good material for this game, but it had some problems that we spent a long time researching and trying to solve.

This complex project is our first 3D game, and to better execute this idea we decided to make general changes to the project, from concepts to gameplay.

We are making good progress and we have some previews to show you!

Prototypes of the basic mechanics

A bit of the new map

Preview of one of the new concepts (BIG changes happening here hehe)

All these changes are resulting in something that will be quite different from what is on the main page of the game, so it will probably be removed and replaced with a new one. Follow our page here on Itch.io and wishlist Pact of the Ancients  on Steam so you don’t miss anything.

Male Doll Team

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